Examples Of Ethical Humanism In Human Psychology

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Nissim Ezekiel’s Night of the Scorpion: A Psychological view
Ethical Humanism is primarily an attitude about human beings, their worth, and the significance of their lives. It is concerned with the nature and quality of living; the character and creativity of our relationships. Because of this concern, humanism spontaneously flowers into a spiritual movement in its own right.
- Edward Ericson The American Humanist Association defines Humanism as a progressive life stance that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead meaningful, ethical lives capable of adding to the greater good of humanity. Humanity plays a vital role in the life of the people, who want to live a meaningful life. It is also essential for them to build up their stance in the society. Humanism emphasizes the value of human beings and concerns with the needs, interests, and welfare of an individual. It is also known as the study of humanities which focuses mainly on the moral values of a man. On the other hand, the man who possesses humanism will always be a perfect man. He will change the society and think that he will create a new world. Since ages literature reflects the life of different people and it effectively teaches the people how to survive. Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers are popularly regarded as the founders of humanistic approach. Humanistic approach in psychology is a well known trend among the psycho therapists. Nowadays it is used in health centers,