Examples Of Hopivotskwani Culture

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Hopi Cultural Ecology

The Hopi tradition of Hopivotskwani is the core of their existence in the past and in the present. This is the “Hopi Path of Life”, and guides all aspects of daily life, not just religious thoughts or ceremonies. It acts to connect the people to nature. Corn is also a vital crop and symbol for the Hopi People. The Hopi perspective on thoughts and actions impact their life experience, and finally the Hopi have a unique perspective on time. Hopivotskwani is a way of looking at the path of life and how it intertwines the past and present as one cohesive unit. This way of thinking creates a conscientious way of life.
“Hopivotskwani includes every part of Hopi society and culture:
Kinship and family, religious ceremonies and beliefs, political organization, concepts about …show more content…

One example is is the cultivation and growth of corn. Corn must germinate before it start to grow, there must be sun and rain in the right amounts for the seed to mature into a plant that will produce corn. This reflects the connection of spiritual mirror of ones life. One my follow Hopivotskwani in order to be in harmony with the past and the present. Hopivotskwani, is a path that not all are called to follow. They do not feel it is their purpose to make others follow the path they are on and in turn they do not feel others should make them follow a path contrary to the Hopivotskwani. This was evident during the encroachment by the Spanish and other Anglo groups. By being perceived as acquiescing to the Spanish, the Hopi were able to continue to travel their path while not causing undue conflict, when possible. Sometimes this meant moving to more isolated areas or being less open about their rituals and ceremonies. Following Hopivotskwani the Hopi are able to interweave earthly needs with spiritual paths and the natural world – animals and