Examples Of Integrative Behavioral Therapy

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A human being is a complex system. Throughout history philosophers and psychologists have tried to understand human nature. Similarly, counselling therapies claim to have all the necessary tools to help almost any case. However, everyone who had to actually counsel a patient understands that some approaches work in some cases, and some do not. The general counselling field seems to agree with that notion, because almost 96% of practicing counselors consider themselves integrative (Corey, 2013). This is far from surprising. It seems that almost all current fields of science there is a tendency for unification (the coveted Theory of Everything in Physics stands as a fine example). Psychology makes no difference. While finding a complete integrative approach to explain the human mind could be a bit far-fetched, it is possible to combine two or more theories in working with clients in a way in which they complement each other’s strengths and compensate their weaknesses. …show more content…

PCT defines the so called “core conditions”, which guide the therapeutic process. In short, they guarantee the inherent positive regard of the counselor towards the clients and stress the importance of the therapeutic relationship. They guarantee the emphatic response towards the client. (Rogers, 1957). Furthermore, PCA maintains deep respect for the natural tendency of each person for self-actualization (Tursi & Cochran, 2006). On the other hand, CBT maintains that it is one person’s beliefs about events, and not the events themselves, that result in emotional behavioral problems (Tursi & Cochran,