Examples Of Lilith Before Meeting Jesus

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Before meeting Jesus, Lilith always seemed to be in some daze where she acted like she did not belong or did not know what had happened before she woke up. Another example of Lilith before she met Jesus was that she could be seen at a bar, basically drinking her problems away in some scenes. A friend tries to help her, but she insists on having a drink. A third example of Lilith is her other personality instead of her usual self, where there appear to be demons inside of her, and she is unwell due to it. Finally, we can see Lilith trying to rely on a prayer her father gave her to calm her fear. Lilith’s behavior before meeting Jesus involved her giving up on her father’s prayer instead of following it closely to help guide her. Another mannerism …show more content…

Even though he loses so much, he continues to bet whenever possible. Another example of who Simon was is that he made a deal with the Romans because he knew his boat and house would be taken. This deal put his closest friends, allies, and brethren in danger from the effects of such a deal. The deal prevented Simon from money problems for a short time, which Simon decided was a good time to gamble even more. Simon is also a fisherman with his brother. As said before, they are in debt, which leads to Simon pulling some strings to be at peace for a short period leaving his wife suspicious and angry about his actions. A final example of Simon’s is his aggressiveness as a person. He will do whatever it takes to stay out of debt. He would lie in dire situations to keep things hidden from his family and friends. There is an individualistic aspect to Simon since he only thinks for himself and no others, such as his wife and her eema. Simon’s mannerisms before meeting Jesus include his greediness regarding money, his consistent denial of his brother’s wishes, and his failure to succeed even when he tries to do something in accordance with another person. Simon’s internal brokenness comes from his individualistic personality. He tries to do anything he can by himself and strays away from his brother and wife’s help. He believes he can make things right without the help of others. These actions affect his perception of his relationship and even turn him from his religion. The healing he needs is for his perception of each one of his relationships. He needs to see how his actions affect all the situations around him. He should see that he needs to be guided through life by his loving wife and caring brother and that he needs to take responsibility and accountability for his rough decisions. When he finally meets Jesus, he realizes his