
Examples Of Love In Romeo And Juliet

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Love in its Strongest Form.
Love comes in many forms. Romantic and friendship are both forms of love that are deep and personal in different ways. In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the houses of Capulet and Montague have been feuding in Verona for many years. When Romeo Montague crashes a Capulet party and falls for Juliet Capulet, it causes a series of tragic events. After getting married to Juliet in secret, Romeo gets into a physical conflict with Tybalt, Juliet's cousin. During the fight, Romeo kills Tybalt, and in punishment Romeo is banished. Lord Capulet is very concerned for his daughter, because she seems so upset over the death of her cousin. When in reality her sadness is due to Romeo’s banishment. To help his …show more content…

This upsets Juliet so much that she planns to fake her own death, and wait for Romeo to come find her. Romeo has moved into Mantua, a neighboring town when his friend, Balthasar, informs him of Juliet's death. Balthasar unaware that the death was staged. Romeo rushes back to Verona to Juliet’s deathbed. He meets Paris at the entrance of the tomb, and Romeo kills Paris before entering the tomb and killing himself by poison. Moments after Romeo takes his last breath, Juliet awakes from her death-like sleep. Seeing Romeo dead next to her she takes the dagger from his side and stabs herself, thus causing her death. When Lords Capulet and Montague arrive they see all the unnecessary death and pain the feud has caused. They agree it must come to an end. Another set of characters that show love, in a very different way, is George and Lennie from the novel Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck. George and Lennie are men in the 1930’s searching for work. Lennie has some kind of cognitive disabilities. George is his best friend and caretaker. At this time people with disabilities were not treated well and so George did everything in his power to keep Lennie's disabilities hidden, so not to lose their jobs. Lennie has

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