
Examples Of Lust In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet, though terribly tragic, has thought to be the symbol of true love. But was it love or lust? Others may believe that the two adolescents were in a passionate, romantic relationship, and had an undeniable love at first sight. I, however, think that it was really the true case of lust at first sight. The reason I express this belief is that they only think about each other looks, they just met, and they are still young. Firstly, both Romeo and Juliet only ever recognize or think about each other's good looks and not for who they really are. When Romeo first encountered the young Capulet, Juliet, he was mesmerized by her enchanting allure, comparing her to a pure, radiating dove and the rest of the girls in the party to be nothing more than crows, including the person he was just weeping and sulking over Rosaline. “So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows,/ As yonder lady o’er her fellows shows,” (I, v, ll. 46-47). Next, within seconds of their first meeting, Romeo wooed the beautiful Juliet by his flirting and holding her “pure” hand and kissing her twice in a matter of seconds of their first meeting. This is a prime example of lust because Romeo did not even know her name or any single thing about her besides the fact she was the most …show more content…

Though time can be seen to be one of the main antagonists of the play, it held a crucial importance to why what they feel is only lust. Not that long after the Capulet feast, when Juliet goes to her balcony and sees Romeo she tells him to marry her if his intentions to be her lover are true and faithful. “If thy bent of love to be honorable,/ Thy purpose of marriage send me word tomorrow,” (II, ii, ll. 143-144). Next, on the morning of the very next day, they were sent to Friar Lawrence’s cell and got married. Love takes time to progress and they have not even known each other for more than a few

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