
Examples Of Manipulation In The Tempest

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Sasha Beatty Mrs. Stegmiller Tempest analysis 30 March 2023 Prospero manipulation analysis “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare is said to be one of the last plays he wrote alone prior to his retirement. This play was said to be a calling for his retirement, to give his fans a satisfactory goodbye before leaving and also even using this play to express his beliefs within the current events taking place during that time period without stirring up direct controversy. Within this story, a character named Prospero was banished to an island by his power hungry brother in order to take his position on the throne. After being banished to an island with his infant daughter, he found a mystical spirit trapped on the island which is said to be called Ariel, Ariel then is indebted to Prospero for releasing him and is then bound to serve him while prospero promises freedom. After this encounter, Prospero would spend his abiding time practicing magic within his …show more content…

The reason a reader can conclude this claim, is due to a series of evidence from his actions and prowess amongst others. One of this concluding evidence is his willingness to learn magic, magic shows that he has the willingness to control situations and different people to make situations go according to his plan. That itself is a very manipulative ability, and can be used for the users benefit easily which proves true due to Prospero himself creating a tempest storm to wash a ship ashore that contained his brother and others from a ship trip. After using his magic ability, he proceeds to order Ariel to disperse them amongst the island in a sense of solitude, others he sent to

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