Examples Of Mind Tv Dualism

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Mind-Television Dualism
The man-made product of the television was first introduced in the nineteenth century, displaying black and white moving images to inform people near and far. As time proceeded, the use of the television became more open in informing people of far more than the news. Companies, big or small, utilized this medium to get a message across to their viewers. A message of informative knowledge, or in contrast, a message of hypnotizing the self to think other wise, thus came the downside of this invention. Some commercials are government funded, others are the government displaying information that is needed to be seen. This medium has been crucial for companies to advertise their products in invasive ways leading viewers …show more content…

According to Parker and Patterson, depression is, "Traditionally, central depressive diagnostic constructs include lowered mood, decreased self-esteem and increased self-criticism; guilt about acts of commission and omission; and feelings of hopelessness and helplessness" (403). Advertisements displayed through television has given off this powerful mental illness that is centered around unhappiness. If one see's a commercial that initiates self-evaluation, it can cause overthinking and the individual can become in a dual with their thoughts and the television. Once again, appearance is crucial for women. Research shows, "Exposure to thin-ideal advertisements affected weight concerns, mood, self-esteem, and depression" (Bessenoff 247). To have an act of hopelessness, is to be unhappy for a set amount of time until that fantasy is reached. For further explanation, Lao-Tzu, a Chinese Philosopher, directed the way of our society long ago. In his Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching, states a government of control and it's effects. For example, he states, "If a country is governed with repression, the people are depressed and crafty" (211). People, particularly women, are controlled by what they view and that is the ideal body, therefore, the become slaves to society buy beauty enhancing products to retrieve their happiness back. …show more content…

Most often, viewers dislike commercials interrupting their program which makes them wait for their program to come back on. Research shows that it can be a pause from their program and ultimately enhance their viewing experience but with more enjoyment. As research shows, "Together, these previous findings suggest that commercial interruptions may disrupt consumers' adaptation to television shows, thus restoring the intensity of the experience and increasing enjoyment of the program" (Nelson 161). In short, a commercial can cause the viewer to regain enjoyment for their program despite having the program interrupted. With advertisements interrupting the programs of people, they are most often informative ones. For example, if one is watching a sitcom but soon ends with a commercial informing where they can view more seasons online or on another channel; it gives them the advantage of continuing with their program. This is not always the case with advertisements using the television as a medium to get to viewers to inform them of products or others alike. It is a machine that is most often used for the wrong reasons. A common theme with advertisements is mood. If one is viewing a show and an advertisement springs on, it can cause discontent with the material shown. For example, Nelson disagreed with his own views on television commercials enhancing the