Examples Of Mosaic Plagiarism

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Students currently plagiarize while unaware of what they are truly doing. Plagiarism refers to when a person takes someone else’s ideas and passes them off as their own. The detrimental effects can be compared to saving up to buy an iPhone, then buying the iPhone 6 only to realize iPhone 7 was a significantly better investment, because of the lack of research done on the available Apple phones and their features. Evidently, students plagiarize for a variety of reasons: for instance, the individual either procrastinates on the assignment due to a need to finish assignments from a different class and, thus, is forced to finish the initial assignment in a time-induced panic, or the individual simply lacks the discipline and work ethic necessary …show more content…

An example of mosaic plagiarism is “Only two years later, all these friendly Sioux were suddenly plunged into new conditions, including starvation, martial law on all their reservations, and constant urging by their friends and relations to join in warfare against the treacherous government that had kept faith with neither friend nor foe.”(Bowdoin.edu. (2018). Examples of Mosaic Plagiarism.). Evidently, the individual who wrote this only rearranged the words, “Contrast the condition into which all these friendly Indians are suddenly plunged now, with their condition only two years previous: martial law now in force on all their reservations; themselves in danger of starvation, and constantly exposed to the influence of emissaries from their friends and relations, urging them to join in fighting this treacherous government that had kept faith with nobody--neither with friend nor with foe.”(Bowdoin.edu. (2018). Examples of Mosaic Plagiarism.). Clearly, they have only rearranged words and added their own words, which makes it perfect example of intentional plagiarism. Recordly, “Students who commit mosaic plagiarism may suffer from failing grades, suspensions, or expulsion.”(Seo Tool Station. (2017). Forms of Plagiarism: Mosaic Plagiarism | Seo Tool Station.). The …show more content…

Plagiarism is a colossal issue, because an extensive amount of students have found themselves resorting to it, regardless of whether the individual is a high-achieving student or a typically lazy student. Individuals clearly require the development of better time management skills and a disciplined work ethic. However, what is most important is that students learn that it is only acceptable to hand in work that is entirely their own. Work Cited Aje.com. (2018). Self-Plagiarism: How to Define it and Why You Should Avoid it | AJE | American Journal Experts. Bowdoin.edu. (2017). Examples of Direct Plagiarism. Bowdoin.edu. (2018). Examples of Mosaic Plagiarism. Charley. “Tips to Avoid Plagiarism .” Harvard Extension School, 12 Feb. 2018 Go, Alison. “Two Students Kicked off Semester at Sea for Plagiarism.” U.S. News & World Report, U.S. News & World Report, 18 Apr. 2008, 4:19 pm. Langan, J. (2010). Student Slapped With Plagiarism Fine. [online] NBC Connecticut. Niu.edu. (2018). Direct Plagiarism - NIU - Academic Integrity Tutorial for Students. Plagiarism Checker | WriteCheck by Turnitin. (2017). Self-Plagiarism. Plagiarism Checker | WriteCheck by Turnitin. 2017 Seo Tool Station. (2017). Forms of Plagiarism: Mosaic Plagiarism | Seo Tool