Examples Of My Goals In Life

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Goals are the most important thing in a person life. Without goals in life, a person will have nothing to look for and their life will be just boring without any excitement. There are many goals within my life that I would like to achieve in 10 years from now. There are two types of goals that I want to achieve in my lifetime. My short term career objective is to experience study abroad. I have planned to further my master in United State after finished my bachelor degree. I will continue to study abroad in order for me to get out from my comfort zone. Moreover, my long term career objective is to find a good job that I really enjoy working, including owning my own company, job that can invest a lot of money to support my family and help people in need. The reason why I want to have my own company is that I would like to be like my father. My father was a businessman. My father have inspired me a lot and taught me to be independent women. My father begins working as staff in one of the organization in Sarawak before he owned his own company. He also does not have the opportunities to further his study after he finished his high school. He has to earn his own money to help his family. I still remember how he told me how important to go to school or university, get education, graduate on time and get a good job during my childhood time. My father has motivated me in every single way that he could in order for me to have a positive attitude toward the challenges that happened

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