Examples Of Negative Attitude In Nursing

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The purpose of this paper is to present the sociological meaning behind the negative attitudesofapersoninrelationtocommunicationanditseffecttoothers.Thisissignificant because in nursing, communication is vital. All the members of the health care team (doctors, nurses, psychiatrist, physical therapist, dietician, etc.) even the patient should collaborate and communicate with each other so that they will come up with a holistic approach in managing the patient’s health to ensure patient safety. Understanding or discovering more about the negatives attitudes of a nurse (e.g.facialexpression:frowning, grimaces, postures, point of view) to patient care will enable us to know its effects to the patient’s well-being and his/her compliance to his/her treatment plan.

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It has two types: positive and negative attitudes (Sahini, 2007). A positive attitude is a mental phenomenon in which the central idea is that one can increase achievement through optimistic thought process. Negative attitude, on the other hand, is characterized by a great disdain for everything; someone who constantly points out thenegativeineverythingincludingfacialexpression(frowning, grimaces), posture, point of views, etc. Nurses’ attitudes toward patients are often influenced by the particular disease or problemaclientpresents.Nursesandotherclinical professionals often hold negative attitudes toward individuals with substance use problems and mentally ill patients, and this may significantly influence the quality of care delivered to these clients (Chang & Yang,