How To Write A Classroom Observation

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For this observation, I observed a sixth grade math co-taught classroom taught by Mr. Deiminick and Mr. Whitzel. This classroom is set up a little different from the normal hybrid by having desks more in rows with a couple of small groups of desks in the back. The students from this class are coming straight from lunch so, they are required to line up outside the classroom in a straight line and be silent before they are allowed to enter the classroom. When the students entered the classroom, they had new seats so the new chart was up on the board and the students were working on finding their new seat. After, the students were seated they were to start the warm-up which was ten questions to review concepts that they had been learning. When the students were done the warm-up Mr. Whitzel went over the correct answers giving the students tips to remember how to complete each problem. After the warm up was …show more content…

They also used their voice to get the students attention as well as to quiet the room. Mr. Deiminick also used a whistle during part of the class to get the students attention and this really worked to get the students quiet and working on the warm-up. Both teachers did a great job of giving positive reinforcement to those students that were working on what the teachers asked them. The transition to different activities took a long time and they were very loud. There did not seem to be a system of how the students move from one activity to the next and there is a lot of wasted time. The students in the class are grouped by mainly behavior and then by physical impairments like vision and hearing. Just like in all other math classroom in the middle school they collect data by using imagine or think through math and the students are required to complete two lessons per

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