Summary: Detailed Record Of Observation

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Detailed Record of Observation:
7H45 am
I arrive at the office and I am well received by Bev, the Principal Directress of the school, who walked me to meet Heidi, the 3-6 year old Directress who took me on a classroom tour while the children were still outside playing. She tells me that the 5-6 year Old does normally start their school work before others, at 8H30, because they are on a school readiness programme. These children work on a BRIGING book which enables them to be prepared for CAPS curriculum when they start Grade1. Heidi introduces me to Sherrie, her assistant. Sherrie is taking out A5 books from children’s bags. These books are used as communication tool between the Directress and parents. I am now taken to have a complete outside view of the school.
The school: o Has a farm with live domestic animals i.e. goats, ducks, chickens etc. o Classes are separated by a walking distance from each other , o Start from preschool to Grade 12. o Situated on a big piece of land. o The class is airy, a bit cold and not so clean.
8H40 am
Circle time
The Directress give signal of circle time by way of counting down from 5 to1 and immediately each child takes their own spot. She begins by …show more content…

I am, however, concerned by the untidiness of the learning environment. Some materials are out of place and do not attract children at all. The classroom is airy and cold. The directress came across as highly experienced in the Montessori environment. She did not do things the way I am taught but she does extremely well dealing with the children. She has learning plans for every child that has short comings in a particular learning area. During circle time, she allows children to engage during topic discussions. Children are free in the environment; they choose what they want to do at their desired time. The children are knowledgeable and are familiar with their