Examples Of Odysseus Being A Hero

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Odysseus’ Journey as a Hero
In the epic The Odyssey, Odysseus is our main character and hero. An epic is a long poem narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures. Odysseus has many heroic qualities such as being courageous, noble, caring, brave, humble, determined, and fearless. In this epic, Odysseus shows qualities. I will be describing how he shows these qualities throughout the beginning, middle, and end. In my opinion Odysseus is a hero and Telemachus is beginning to be a hero. In the beginning of this epic, Odysseus and his men fight with the Trojans. He had the idea of making a trojan horse and going into the Trojans territory. Later he goes out to sail with his men and lands on the island of the Cyclopes. They then …show more content…

He tells his men if he doesn’t come back then to leave him behind. He then walks through the halls and sees Tiresia. He sacrificed a goat and Tiresia tells Odysseus about the rest of his journey. While leaving Odysseus sees his mom and they talked. When they were sailing they found the cave of Scylla. Scylla ate six of Odysseus’ men and while leaving a whirlpool , Charybdis, winds up taking the ship and his men. Odysseus is left with a piece of wood and he ends up with Poseidon's waves. He was upset with Odysseus because he killed Polyphemus which was Poseidon's son. He winds up on Calypso’s island. They then sleep with each other and Odysseus realizes he has a wife and needs to get back to her. Calypso lets him leave after he made a ship. He sails home and sees Eumaeus and Telemachus. Telemachus tells Odysseus what happened and Odysseus gets turned old by a Goddess. When it is time to see who wins Penelope's love, no one can tie the bow but Odysseus can and he then shoots an arrow through the holes of the axes. Telemachus and Odysseus begin killing the introducers. After all of that, Odysseus sees his wife and they become happy and regain control of the