Examples Of Pitbulls Should Not Be Pets

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Have you ever been scared to walk home from because of a predator. I feared getting attacked, and I think no one should feel that. I have been attacked by a predator, not just any predator, a pit bull. Pit bulls should not be pets because kids should not be scared to walk out of their houses, it’s very hard to overcome pit bulls' nature and pit bulls are very aggressive.

The main reason I think pit bulls should not be pets is because they are very aggressive. One of the reasons that supports pit bulls are aggressive is an eight-year-old girl was attacked by a pit bull in her own driveway, and she had to have many surgeries. If you were a parent and your child got seriously injured, how would you feel. (Found in paragraph 6). Mr. Goodwin said, “You can say all you want about all these other breeds, but pit bulls are the choice for drug dealers and other bad folks for a reason.” This shows how they are not great dogs and how aggressive they are. (Paragraph 4). People have noticed pit bulls are aggressive and can injure many people. …show more content…

Pit bulls were banned in Miami-Dade County. Pit bulls were banned in Maimi-Dade County for multiple reasons mostly because of aggressiveness they show. (Paragraph 5/6). Florida has many Countys that banned pit bulls but a county in the United States that is known for banning pit bulls is Columbus, Columbus banned Pitbulls in 1987. This was well known and made people around the United States more aware about what pit bulls are doing. (Found in paragraph 1). With a lot of the United States having pit bulls banned it shows how they cannot be trusted and should not be pets. This helps people realize that pit bulls are aggressive and should not be