
Examples Of Power In V For Vendetta

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Power is the ability or capacity of an individual, or a group to exert control over others. The absence of power balance between the governing body and its citizens can result in turmoil within the society; this has been portrayed in both the article and the graphic novel. In the novel, V for Vendetta, readers are introduced to this discrimination through some characters like Evey, Rosemary, and Valarie. They face discrimination due to the absence of checks and balances. This issue is further highlighted by V, who points out the consequences of "... a string of catastrophic decisions" that has resulted in societal chaos (Moore, Vol 4, pg 160, HE). This chaos is a form of disparity among different genders. This upheaval is also been reflected …show more content…

This plight is particularly experienced by marginalized women who bear the brunt of government’s atrocities. These atrocities not only manifest in the loss of dignity, representation, identity, restrict opportunities, but perpetuate a pervasive cycle of inequality and injustice.This is quite evident in the graphic novel where the totalitarian regime depicted holds a power balance that overwhelmingly tilts in favor of the government and men. As a result, marginalized women endure systematic suffering within this oppressive system. Evey Hammond, the female protagonist, serves as a primary example of the consequences of this power imbalance. Evey experiences a lack of career opportunities, this can be seen in the first volume, where Evey says “…uh… would you like to… uh… sleep with me or anything? … I mean …uh… for money?” (Moore, Vol 1, pg 13, HE). Evey goes to the Westminster Bridge, a well-known location where women go to prostitute themselves. The citizens, especially women, are given too little power and help from the government. The government neglects the need of women and just focuses on empowering men with immeasurable power. The lack of power and support provided to women by the government ultimately leads to the loss of dignity, representation, and identity. This lack of opportunities is a direct cause of imbalance of power. This creates barriers that hinder marginalized individuals, particularly women, from accessing the resources, opportunities, and support they need to thrive. On the other hand, the article talks about the lack of justice that the marginalized community has faced. Even the government supports those in power and blames the victim which is quite evident when the author states “ …two girls were reportedly raped on a Goa beach, the state chief minister’s response was to ask their

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