Examples Of Professionalism In The Workplace

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The purpose of this paper is to provide a clear understanding of what professionalism is in the workplace. There can be multiple understandings and/or expectations of professional behavior. Sometimes it can vary based on location and what your duties are. The focus of this paper will be professional behavior in the healthcare field and particularly the expected behavior of nurses. We all have a certain image that comes to mind when we hear the word “professional”. For some it is a black suit accompanied by a tie; others identify professionalism as the ability to perform their duties with proper etiquette. Dress codes and the ability to perform professional duties are important; however, professionalism includes way more components and important details. Randall et al. (2016) conducted a study to understand how students and faculty at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences define professionalism, as a result, fourteen characteristics of professionalism were identified: “accountability, communication, diligence, emotional maturity, ethical behavior, honesty, integrity, lifelong learning, patient-first, reliability, respect, service/military professionalism, student-teacher relationship and teamwork” (Randall et al., 2016, p.1295). This combination of characteristics helps to create a holistic view of professional behavior that is beneficial to both the patient and the organization. According to Brennan and Monson (2014), professionalism is a crucial