Media And Stereotypes

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Representation and stereotypes Stereotypes is a big issue within the media industry. Representation within the media is show someone or something, using a process of depicting, descripting and symbolization. Stereotypes as described by Stuart Hall as “Representation is the production of the meaning of the concepts in our minds through language which enables us to refer to either the ‘real’ world of objects people or events, or indeed to imaginary worlds of fictional objects, people and events” In his research Hall has suggested that there is two systems of representation, the first system regarding direct associations of events, people and objects that have certain mental representations and concepts that people have in their minds. Meaning …show more content…

Theresa Belton discusses the very concept of influence regarding media and points out that the influence isn’t just on our opinions but rather the media's influence on our ideas, thoughts and perceptions in such ways that we are not even aware of it. The media is recognised throughout studies as being the most powerful influential force especially regarding how we see ourselves. Many studies on the topic have been conducted using the assumption of the influence that the media has, and how it can cause harm due to it’s widespread belief. There has been a surge in the number of studies, experiments and theories in the last few years regarding the connection between media representations and self esteem and self image. We live in a world where media is easily accessible and is wherever we go, therefore according to Cashmore we are constantly bombarded by endless imagery, representation and stereotypes and it is inevitable that they begin to shape who we are and how we see ourselves. Such is the volume and repetition, that many associations automatically get made and as a …show more content…

Viewers who watch television more heavily cultivates a distorted social reality. In 2004 Stern conducted a study in which he investigated the cultivation effects of thoughts regarding beauty. In this study Stern interviewed 63 girls between the ages of 5 and 6 to determine what their attitudes or beauty towards beauty were. Stern concluded that heavier viewers and lighter viewers viewed beauty differently, where heavier viewers thoughts matched what they were shown in media. As well as that heavier viewers believed that physical attractiveness and beauty was more important in regards to women. Jones conducted a study in 2002 of comparison of attractiveness to same-sex peers or media models/celebrities were examined amongst adolescent boys and girls. The conclusion of the study stated that both groups were used as comparison, therefore cementing the connection between attractiveness comparisons and negative body