What were the Primary Reasons of the “Fall” of Rome Have you ever thought of what happened during the "Fall" of Rome? The "Fall" of Rome begin with the Roman Empire which began in 750 BCE and ended in the 5th century CE which took place in the Middle East, Northern Africa, Mediterranean Region, and Western Europe. What were the primary reasons for the "Fall" of Rome? After examining these documents about the "Fall" of Rome I've learned about what happened during this time. The first reason for the "Fall" of Rome was the chart of emperors. The chart of the emperor's in Document A I chose this as my first reason because the chart of emperors was a big thing during the "Fall" of Rome because one time there were 19 emperors in a 50-year time period. But there were also multi emperors at once. but 12 of those emperors were assassinated during their time of serving as a emperor, but not one of the emperors died because of a natural cause. …show more content…
But when, because of negligence and laziness, parade ground drills were abandoned, the customary armor began to seem heavy since the soldiers rarely ever wore it. Therefore, they first asked the emperor to set aside the breastplates I chose the military mismanagement for my second reason because the soldiers didn't do what they were supposed to do which was training with their armor on but they weren't comfortable wearing it because it was too "heavy" for them so they asked the emperor at the time if they could train with it off and the emperor said yes so they did train without it on but when war came and they had to put on their helmets and breastplates it was too heavy for them so they tried to battle without the armor on with only a sword which isn't very good because you're risking your life because you don't wanna wear your