In 1763, England announced that the act of taxing the colonists was at the discretion of the crown. The tax policy filled Samuel Adams with a lot of alarm. Samuel Adams was among those voted to represent the colonists’ anger toward England’s injustice in a committee started by the colonists. Samuel Adams was the one who wrote the instructions for this committee (Samuel Adams- Samuel Adams was one of the first Americans to come to the conclusion that independence was the only way out of the hardships that were occurring.
Benjamin Franklin was a printer who 'd become an esteemed statesmen by the time of the American Revolution, Franklin joined the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence. George Washington, a veteran of the French and Indian War, grew frustrated with British rule while serving in Virginia 's House of Burgesses, then agreed to use his military talents as the leader of the
His major role in the American Revolution has been cited as many thinkers as one of the major accomplishment that made him popular and visible in the American history. He successfully opposed the 1765 Stamp Act and advocated for the separation of America from Britain. He later helped in negotiating peace through his major contribution to the treaty of Paris. Besides serving as the first vice president, he later served as the second president of the United States of America and took the country through the Quasi-War between U.S and
Adams, a Massachusetts born and Harvard-educated lawyer was better known as political philosopher and delegate of the First and Second Continental Congress, instrumental in our nations independence, then what we consider a Politian. His opponent was one of the most prominent names we hear when studying American history, one Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was first seen in our history books as principal authors of the Declaration of Independence. Born in Virginia to a large plot of farming land and high social standing in which he was raised, he studied, read law and was known to write eloquently and so authored this fundamental document for our nation.
He signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff into law which was supposed to protect the farmers from foreign competition by placing a tax on imported goods. But, by the time it was passed the farmers despised it along with
During the Boston Massacre five civilians were killed and six injured. Despite his unkindness towards the British Government he believed that the British soldiers should receive a fair trial. He defended the soldiers skillfully. Not only did was he a great lawyer he was also leading member of the Continental Congress. In 1774 he was elected as the representative of Massachusetts.
As a result, he did anything in his power to persuade those to fight against the British, and gain one's rights. As previously stated, he displays this mostly by saying the eminent words “give me liberty or Give me death” said
Under his leadership the colonists ended up defeating the British military who were heavily trained and resourced. His leadership inspired others to make a change, take care of others and to model what behavior they want to see in
He was a great strategic military commander, who fought off the French troops. He was a great leader because he freed slaves from France and showed them how to operate plantations without having a license to
John Peter Zenger's trial in 1735 stands as a pivotal moment in the history of press freedom in colonial America. His courageous stance against government censorship and subsequent acquittal set a precedent for journalistic independence and the protection of free speech. However, despite his significant contribution to the cause of liberty, Zenger's historical impact was limited by legal constraints and societal attitudes that hindered the full realization of his vision for press freedom. One of the primary factors that hindered Zenger's historical impact was the restrictive legal environment of colonial America.
In 1776, Benjamin Franklin was appointed to a five-member committee that helped draft the Declaration of Independence(Franklin and the American Revolution). That same year, Congress sent him to France to try to get aid in the Revolutionary War(Franklin and the American Revolution). Benjamin Franklin had been a minister in France and helped negotiate and draft the Treaty of Paris, which was signed in 1783 and helped to end the Revolutionary War(Franklin and the American Revolution). This document helped to establish that America is a separate and equal nation. Benjamin Franklin left France in 1785 and went back to Philadelphia.
He was a bit insecure and he used this to torment the Confederate officials and officers. The Confederates had to personally appeal to him for pardon. This was a bit over the top on his part, but nonetheless 13,000 pardons were granted. He made the Confederate states agree to the 13th amendment. The 13th amendment said no slavery and outlawed slavery forever.
He intervened with the colonists' fair judicial system and the rights to self-government. The King also instituted legislation(along with Great Britain's Parliament)that disturbed the colonies and he got no consent from the colonies. They levied taxes onto the colonies. King George III also removed their right to trial by jury, required the colonies to quarter British soldiers, and also prevented the colonies from freely trading. Even moreso, King and Parliament are guilty of of the absolute destruction of life and property in America.
So this is an Emu it isn't scary right? WRONG! It brought famine along with them. They broke the spirit of a few Australian soldiers!
Many of you are taught all about the Founding Fathers and how America got it’s Independence. I’m positive you’ve all heard about the famous Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin, and about all his contributions to history. He has contributed to the draft of the Declaration of Independence, but that wasn’t the only important contribution he made. He bought a famous paper, the Pennsylvania Gazette, proved the electrical nature of lighting with a kite, and many other things were done by Benjamin. You were probably not told too much about Franklin’s other accomplishments.