
Exemplification Essay: Changing The School Lunch System

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Changing the school lunch system

Although junk food may be a tasty option, I don’t think we should allow it in schools. Junk foods often lead up to extreme tiredness, low energy and physical activity, and worst case scenario, obesity. Allowing it in schools, in my opinion, may not be the best option for kids attending schools and eating the provided meals.

A big problem in the United States is obesity. With the junk foods they are providing in schools, this does not seem to help. We need to find other healthier alternatives. Over the past few years, BMIs, or body mass index, have gone up at an extremely high rate. later into adulthood. Childrens BMIs are considered obese at an 85 to 95 percentile (depending mainly on height and age ranges). Meaning, children at or above that 95th percentile are overweight. Childrens BMIs have also gone up at a high rate these past few years according to obesity\facts.htm, the …show more content…

This can make it very hard to focus in class, pulling away kids class time. Studies have shown, children have a harder time focusing in class after lunch. Junk food could be a reason behind that issue. According to livestrong.com, when you eat junk foods, it tends to digest much more quicker due to the high sugar and fats. You may temporarily experience a “sugar high” but quickly goes away and leads to extreme tiredness and a sensation of fatigue. Since your metabolism has burned off all the energy, this leads to loss in focus. In conclusion, I think if the school system gave a balanced nutritional meal overall, this would help the next generation with obesity. Without junk foods or drinks high in sugars and fructose corn syrup. On the whole, this would not only be an advantage for the kids, but also for the teachers, students will be able to focus better, or the big majority that eats the school meals provided by the school

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