
Explain How A Career Assessment Is Intended To Measure Of An Ordinal Scale

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Discuss what the assessment is intended to measure (the construct, attribute or characteristic that it will measure). Career assessment is being measured with an Ordinal Scale using category scale items. A category scale can be defined as “scales where the response categories are categorised or defined” (Foxcroft & Roodt, 2013). With an ordinal scale numbers are assigned to the objects in some sequential order (Foxcroft & Roodt, 2013). A psychological measure often uses Ordinal scales, this scale works well when pairing it with a Likert type scale. The item format used is statement-items; one must select a category based on the statement given. The test is unidimensional which means it measures only one construct of career paths. It is a career assessment; however career cannot be measured using only one construct …show more content…

What are some of the theoretical challenges with measuring the construct /attribute/ characteristics?
An assessment process should be multidimensional; in other words the battery should include multiple methods of measuring (Alonso-Arbiol & van de Vijver, 2010). Age, level of education and ability, reason for taking assessment, mental and physical capacity all need to be taking into consideration when doing an assessment of any nature. Including multiple sources such as self-reports and observational reports give a wider view of the subject and can offer valuable information to the assessment (Foxcroft & Roodt, 2013). Consider a personality test that is meant to assist in career counselling; the battery for this test should include assessment of personality preferences, management styles, communication styles, interpersonal styles and coping styles to adequately portray possible career

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