Personality In The Workplace: How Adaptable Are You?

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How Adaptable are you? An individual’s personality determines what he feels, what motivates, what determines his attitude towards varied stimuli and how he interacts with others. As the global workforce becomes more diverse, and with people becoming fussier about job roles businesses are trying to understand their employees better so as to manage them better. The past few years have seen more and more organisations assessing their employees on various aspects of their behaviour and personality. The realisation that an employee’s reaction to workplace stimuli may be closely related to his own personality characteristics , are making organisation assess employees beyond their education, experience and intelligence. In fact , these assessments …show more content…

The advantage that these managers have over others are that their self -awareness help them orchestrate their day to day interactions at the workplace to their favour, which in turn impact their performance. Such managers would be able to not just excel in interactions with colleagues but also do extremely well in client facing roles. Self – awareness is key to manage the transition of a manager a boss to a …show more content…

But the circular representation of Personality that is used in everything DiSc opens up a whole new world of immense possibilities to facilitators and HR professionals. Going to Moultons conventional representation of behaviour in the DISC model, Everything DiSC is touching greater horizons in team building and group dynamics through the DiSC circle. This article looks at the advantages that Everything DiSC offers over the linear representation in DiSC Classic. Relationships: The relevance of an individual in an organisation is diminishing day by day with the focus shifting towards teams . What makes or breaks a team are the relationships that individuals have with each other. The circular graph is a much clearer depiction of where one individual stands with respect to another with the plots clearly alienating the similarities vis-a vis the differences. The linear representation in DiSC Classic may be slightly trickier to understand and interpret as against the circular representation where the interpretation is much more apparent. Group