Explain How Has Globalisation Changed Over The Past 30 Years

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Trade Research Report- World Trade Relationships

Name: Ella Sauzier
Due Date: Monday 11th of June
Research Questions:
• What is globalisation? How has globalisation changed over the past 30 years, and what has led to these changes? (6 marks)
• Explain the difference between Imports and Exports. Where do imports and exports fit in the circular flow model? (Must include a circular flow model diagram) (5 marks)
• What was the value of Australia’s top 10 exports and imports for 2016-17? (2 marks)
• What are Australia’s top 10 exports and top 10 imports for 2016-17? Give reasons why Australia exports and imports these types of goods. (6 marks)
• Discuss the trade relationship Australia had with China. How has this relationship changed over the …show more content…

Imports and exports fall into the overseas sector of the circular flow model. The overseas sector is concerned with international trade between the countries around the globe. Imports refer to one country receiving goods that they do not have, in exchange for the other country receiving money for providing these goods. Exports refer to a country sending goods to another country in exchange for receiving money from the country receiving the goods. People often think that imports are injections and exports are leakages, however this is not true. Imports are leakages as when a country imports goods money is leaving their economy as they must pay to import the goods. As exports are injections, this is as when a country exports goods they are receiving money that will enter the economy. Leakages refer to money leaving a countries economy. On the contrary, injections refer to money entering a countries …show more content…

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• Australia's relationship with China explained. (2012, November 14). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0OmULL3EX4
• China-Australia bilateral trade grow considerably. (2017, March 22). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PE9mG7o4O8
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