Explain How The Care Value Base And How Does It Lead To Empowerment

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Unit 2, equality, diversity and rights. The Care value base essay. What is the care value base and how does it lead to empowerment? The care value base is considered a framework that helps to promote good practice within the health and social care sector. This theoretical framework was devised in 1992 by the care sector. In all care settings whether it be residential, day care or anywhere else where care is necessary the care value base enables that a common set of principles to work with are provided. The aim of the care value base is to empower its service users and allow them to make more decisions in the care that they are provided with. Empowering is about making your own decisions, so in basic terms allowing service user to make a choice, this could be through what food …show more content…

To summarise the care value base is a framework set up to put the service user at the heart of service provision to empower them and enable that active support is provided. The principles lead to empowerment because together they enable that people are being respected and play an active part within the care that they are provided. Principle 1 - To promote practice which is anti-discriminatory The first principle is difficult because children and adults are influenced by the world around them, and although some people would consider discrimination to be wrong we have to allow people to have their own beliefs and opinions. However, principle one is about challenging discrimination in the workplace, this for example could be challenging a colleague or even a service user if they mark a racist remark or an offensive comment. You can challenge discrimination in many ways, for one you should never ignore any discrimination and immediately point out that the behaviour is unacceptable. In addition to this you can