Explain How To Build A Chemical Emergency Essay

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Everyone needs to make sure that they know what exactly they’re supposed to be doing during a chemical emergency. When a lot of people get involved it makes things more hectic, and the job could possibly not get done as efficiently or quickly. In addition another challenge that first responders could face is not having complete control of the entire situation. A lot of people are going to be scared and start to panic especially if there are kids involved. When people get scared they don’t act like themselves and begin to do things out of the ordinary. First responders are going to have to calm everyone down before they can actively help. First responder need to setup a proper perimeter around the crime scene, and not let anyone in. According …show more content…

Although some people believe that when you plan for bad things to happen, bad things usually happen. Building an emergency plan is an ideal idea for any community or state that wants to remain safe. Also when you build a plan it helps you to discover weakness and other things that your community has to work on. When dealing with an emergency everyone has a role to play. Often time’s first responders know their job, and they direct others what to do as well, but when you figure out an emergency plan others can see what they have to do before bad things happen. For example if a state had a plan on what to do in case of a chemical terrorist attack, people would know what to expect. This benefits first responders and other people who may be contaminated or in danger of contamination. The plan allows everyone to function as one, and depend on one another to act accordingly. Getting everyone out alive, and preventing more injuries or death is always the goal. The plan would also help people to stimulate their mind and get prepared. There have been studies that show that without an emergency plan, states survival rates go down tremendously. By having one allows people to think more highly of their state, because they would feel