Disappearance Of Dinosaurs Essay

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What are the major theories explaining the disappearance of the dinosaurs? Dinosaurs lived between 230 and 65 million years ago. Dinosaurs then disappear as if they were never on earth. There are many theories in the world about the death of the dinosaurs. Archaeologist discovers the the bones of dinosaurs from different time periods. Some believe that a large asteroid hit the earth, killing all living matter. Others believe that a huge volcano erupted on earth killing all matter on earth quickly. One other theory of the death of the dinosaurs is the continental drift, this was a slow killing because of the cooling and drying climate. The last theory is in the bible, they believe the flood caused all the dinosaurs to die out. According to evidence a six-mile-wide asteroid hit Earth. This happened about 65 million years ago. On impact, the large asteroid created a huge explosion creating a crater about 110 miles wide. Scientist has named the crater Chicxulub. The crater is an impact crater buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. The Yucatán Peninsula separates the Caribbean Sea from the Gulf of Mexico. When the asteroid hit the ground large amounts of the settlement are sent into the atmosphere, the settlement blocked the sun from the earth sending the world into a horrible weather. The winter is …show more content…

There are many theories in the world about the death of the dinosaurs. Archaeologists discover bones of dinosaurs from different time periods. Some believe that a large asteroid hit the earth, killing all living matter. Others believe that a huge volcano erupted on earth killing all matter on earth quickly. One other theory on the killing of the dinosaurs is the continental drift, this was a slow killing because of the cooling and drying climate. The last theory is in the bible, they believe the flood caused all the dinosaurs to die out. What do you believe happened to the