Explain The Four Ethical Issues That Exist Within The Police Sub-Culture

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In my opinion the four ethical issues that exist within the police sub-culture are lack of exhibit positive behavior, learned behavior, loyalty to society and fellow offices. In recent news, society has seen a lack of officer’s exhibit positive attitudes towards society and fellow officers.
The attitude towards society has been an issues for centuries with more years to come. In today, officer negative views and attitudes towards community policing result in bad behavior that has been molded by their occupational viewpoints. According to the view of the public police officers are using their power to do corruption and illegal activities, due to this corruption, many believe, police officers have become the criminals themselves and not the protectors. Some police are using their power to do bad things, and society has come to fear police. The law enforcement system needs change. When police officials exhibit poor attitudes, discipline should be handed down to the officer by higher commanders. However, offices has to remember they are in the public eye at all times and the public isn’t good in accepting apologies when the same error continue to be made by law enforcement. …show more content…

When a rookie come aboard the force, and partner with a corrupt officers, the behavior will rub off. For example, the rookie is a good officer and his partner is a bad cop. The rookie will mimic what is partner does, the rookie will most likely become a bad police officer because he may be scared to report misconduct in return of retaliation or the rookie rather protect one of his own rather than the rookie being the one hurt. If officer report bad behavior of another officer there would repercussions such as; suspension, blackballed, losing the loyalty of other officer