Procedural History • The State of Minnesota convicted Kelbel in violation of first-degree murder, past pattern of child abuse, and second-degree murder. • The Supreme Court of Minnesota sentenced Kelbel to life in prison. • Kelbel first appealed that the jury must find beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed the violations. • Secondly, Kelbel appealed that the evidence presented was insufficient.
Task 3 Preparation I will explain on how my chosen service is designed to meet the health needs, developmental needs and social care needs for my chosen client group. How will Carters Green Medical Centre meet the needs of my client group (children) with their health and growing up as well as socialising skills? I will briefly explain the role of informal carers supporting my chosen client Evaluate the impact this could have on that child’s life. So how would the role of the extended family support my client group (children). I will use a secondary research of data from textbooks to research about informal carers.
The Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill is proposed in the Scottish Parliament to introduce aspects of the GIRFEC Practice Model as a joined up approach to children’s services across Scotland. • June 2012: A second version of A Guide to getting it Right for Every Child is published, with no substantial change to the Practice Model. • June 2010:
It sets out the legal responsibilities and duties of services, including the Local Authority in regards to safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. It also provides guidelines for monitoring the effectiveness of the services that are being provided to those who are in need of them. The childâ€TMs welfare and their safeguarding is the most important thing and is the centre of the legislation. The updated version clarifies anything that has been found to be unclear in the previous version- Working Together to Safeguard Children
The skills required to communicate with children and young people are skills that are mostly assumed and undertaken naturally. With experience obviously these skills are strengthened and you become more confident in this role. Fundamentally you need to ensure that you are actively listening to the child or young person. This is demonstrated through your attention, eye-contact (perhaps squatting down to their level), being interested and asking them questions. Also to ensure that you have understood what they have said by checking facts or parroting back what they have said.
1. Should Rhoda consider the Religion based child care? Why or Why not? No she should not because religious based centers are not required to follow tittle III of the ADA, meaning they do not need to make public accommodations such as if the center takes place in the basement and all they have is steps they are not required to make the accommodation of an elevator.
In order to build and maintain an effective relationship with children/young people I need to consider the following methods. • Effective communication – this is the key area for developing relationships with others and also covers many different forms of communication. The different forms are mentioned below. o Find opportunities to speak: I need to make sure that pupils are given sufficient opportunities to talk. Some children have very little chance to put their own thoughts forward and express themselves with adults.
My purpose was to advocate on behalf of a child by informing all the professionals present of the child’s wishes and feelings, as well as offer my professional opinion to persuade them on the child’s best interests. From my input, the Child Protection Plan noted specific positive and risk factors that I raised, including arrangement for the child to safely socialise with friends to boost their self-esteem and resilience, and the mother to not have inappropriate conversations in earshot of the child. Although the latter point linked to the mother’s behaviour, she was in agreement because she acknowledged my concern as genuine due to us already having an established rapport. Multi-agency working has been consistent throughout my time on placement, either during professional meetings, like core groups which I have chaired, or on a daily basis via telephone or face-to-face. Whenever information has been shared between professionals it has been done appropriately and respectfully, on a need to know basis and with prior parental consent, unless this put the child at risk of harm.
Families, children and young people have the right to live free from abuse, harm and neglect. If harm or abuse is suspected or alleged the child or young person has the right to be listened to, to be respected and to kept informed and be involved (where appropriate) in any decision making. †̃Anyone working with children should see and speak to the child; listen to what they say; take their views seriously; and work with them collaboratively when deciding how to support their needs.â€TM (Working Together to Safeguard Children) The Children Act 1989 requires that local authorities give due regard to a childâ€TMs wishes when determining what services to provide.
Explain the importance to children’s holistic development of Speech, language and communication This development is important for children’s holistic development as this will help the children to socialise and help them express what they like and need, this will get them to have more sense about the world. If the child can communicate this will help them with their confident and self-esteem levels as they can talk about how they is important for children to use their own language skills and not to listen to other all the time and this could put their development back. Adults should praise children a lot so they have the encouragement try new things but it is important you adults to give them feedback so that they can learn from right and wrong.
The roles and responsibilities of different agencies and practitioners working to with children and young people. The role of Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB’s) The process to
Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) undertake reviews of serious cases in specified circumstances, advising the authority on lessons to be learned. The board consists of representatives from local agencies such as NHS, the Police, Housing, School Services. They place duty on all agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (DfE, 2015a). Safeguarding and child protection Safeguarding is defined as promoting children’s welfare, providing safe and effective care, so that the children can achieve the best outcomes in life ( DfE, 2015a).
Models of child protection Two broad approaches have emerged in the context of child protection they are; vertical and horizontal approach. Vertical approach is understood as one that observes classes of vulnerable children independently from each other and it has been criticised by Wulczyn et al (2010) because it often results in a fragmented child protection response that is marked by numerous inefficiencies. For example, strategies that target sexually abused children can focus on addressing the immediate safety needs of these children forgetting other children who might be vulnerable though not through sexual abuse. Wulczyn et al (2001) guided by Convention on the Rights of the Child (2010), argue that Horizontal approach to OVCs seem to be more essential in helping vulnerable children across all vulnerabilities they might find themselves in. The approach do not treat children vulnerabilities as independent from each other or rather single issues but it observes all different systems that are causing children to be vulnerable without
Special attention needs to be given to health and education to ensure the child is healthy in all aspects of their life and their education is paramount to ensuring confidence and growth so they can become healthy confident adults and can go out into the world armed with a good education. If not the child could become withdrawn, depressed, and have low self-esteem which can bring its own
A disadvantage of Bronfenbrenner is that it does not help practitioners put his theory into practice. "Bronfenbrenner is not widely recognized as helping practitioners to put his ideas into practice and this may be why someone who has done so much to change the thinking of both groups is not better known." Pound L, 2009 accessed on 12/02/18 Bronfenbrenner 's theory helps to question why children may behave in a certain manner. "Theory helps us understand why we behave differently." Explorable accessed on 12/02/18 Bronfenbrenner 's Theory of Ecological systems has influenced the start of other theorists work.