Explain The Legal Issues Affecting The Dangerous Use Of Business Information

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In Tesco there are different laws and legislation to protect the information of the customers and employees. The set of law limit the possibility of dangerous use of business information.
The legal issues that affect businesses are laws and policies that safe guard the customers and employees.
Data protection Act 1998
The data protection act let the businesses to have control on the personal information that are used by the organisation, business and governments according to the law. Different organisation stores use business information about different people, everyone responsible for using data have to follow the rules names the data protection principles. They have to be sure that the information given to them are used fairly and lawfully, used only for purpose, data accurate and updated …show more content…

The data protection act protect people who can be identified by their information and data shared. These information can be bank details, home address, bills, health and others personal details. Even the information used for a club card registration and application forms, these information must be put securely on a database and cannot be published. But these information can be used by Tesco for marketing research like taking part in survey. Freedom information act 2000 create a public right to access to information by public authorises. Tesco hold some information accessed by the customer. Like for a fee of £10.00 they can see what type of history and incidents happened in store. They have to provide these information when is requested and keep them updated regularly in order to be accurate.
Tesco have guilty for cyber-attack that made the loss of lot of customer private information which around 2000 accounts were targeted. The business have been under Investigation because of the problem in security.
Freedom of Information Act