According to Gravells, A, (2010), there are many records that a teacher should maintain; • Accident/incident forms • Action plans • Appeals • Assessment plans • Assessment feedback • Assessment grades • Assessment tracking • Diagnostic test results • Individual learning plans • Initial assessment • Interview records • Learning styles tests • Learning support records • Register • Retention, achievement, and progression records • Record of achievement • Risk assessments • Scheme of work • Session plan • Skills audits • Syllabus or qualification handbook • Tutorial reviews • Verifier and moderator reports • Worksheets It can be said that record keeping is part of a teachers roles and responsibilities but records are also usually kept by an organisation as a requirement of law or codes of practice in the institution or industry. Regarding our organisation we need to keep evidence of all learner’s details, paperwork and assessments for a period of 3 years. This is for audit purposes proving to the awarding bodies that all learners are being challenged adequately and that our paperwork is enough for a learner to gain a new skill. …show more content…
The Data Protection Act 1998 states that records must be kept securely, be relevant and not excessive, accurate and up to date and not kept for longer than necessary. Within our organisation our learner’s information is kept in a locked archive room for a period of 3 years and all courses are labelled and dated to be easily sourced if needed. Within our organisation and in relation with the law Students can request a copy of all information held about them under the Freedom of Information Act