Essay P3 Explain The Issues Related To The Use Of Information

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P3: Explain the issues related to the use of information

There are a number of Legal Issues which have been come across when obtaining information from anywhere. These legal issues have been a problem for many people due to a number of reasons such as personal information being sold to unwanted parties or illegally downloading content. These legal issues have now been assessed and are being prevented because of the acts that have been put in place by government officials. These are the following acts that have been put in place:
• The Data Protection Act 1998.
• The Freedom of Information Act 2000.
• The Computer Misuse Act 1990.
Data Protection Act 1998
This act was created to ensure that all the personal information for every living being …show more content…

- Accurate and up to date.
- Kept for a purpose and not kept any longer than required.
- Not exploited or given to anybody outside of the UK without consent from the user.
- Being protected so any sensitive information like criminal records, sexual health and political opinions are kept safe.
- Not disregarding the users rights so the user knows their information will be used for a specific/legal purpose and will be destroyed if the information provided is no longer required.
Freedom of Information Act 2000
This act was created to ensure that all the official information from any public authority or citizen could be granted upon request by another public authority or an organisation. The information would be provided within 20 days but can be refused if the information is no longer available or the information will be used for unsuitable or illegal purposes. These are some of the public authorities which are usually allowed to access the information:
- The Central Government
- The Local Government
- The Police
- The NHS
- Educational Institutes
Computer Misuse Act 1990
This act was created to ensure that computers were protected against any attacks such as viruses, hackers and information theft. The most updated version of the act states that any information obtained by the user is protected from