Explain The Missions Of The Premier Organizations In The Field Of Pharmacy

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Alin Kazanjian 01 / 27 / 2016

Professionalization: Professional Persona
The Missions of the Premier Organizations in the Field of Pharmacy

Professional pharmacy organizations provide the opportunity to strengthen one’s career, increase knowledge about drugs, access to more advanced resources and advance patient care. In addition to that, scientific exchange will promote professional development, network with colleagues in the pharmacy field and develop leadership skills which are important roles for a pharmacist whether in a community, hospital, clinical or industrial pharmacy.

Having a career in an industrial pharmacy is one of my first choices where a pharmacist helps guide the biopharmaceutics to discover …show more content…

Each organization has its own mission but the most common and important one is to build healthier lives and ensure the safety of the society. There are two organizations I am considering to join maybe not today but after I graduate from Northeastern and become a successful pharmacist. One of them is the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) and the other is the American Heart Association (AHA). The former is an organization for pharmacists who are dedicated to drug discovery and development. The latter is to ensure a healthy living among the society especially aiming to reduce cardiac diseases and conditions associated with

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