Explain The Trademark Issues Today With The Commercialization Of Space

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TRADEMARKS IN SPACE: Today with the commercialization of space travel some issues have become increasingly significant; some of such issues are obtaining rights, commercial licensing rights and enforcing rights in the outer space. The view of the scholars in the field is that it would be preferable to address these issues before problems emerge.
As internet gave rise to challenges which would possibly have been anticipated if addressed before, the same way outer space is becoming a place where the trade has started and hence the issues of trademarks there and the nature of the legislations there need to be taken care of.
This involves new technology such as GPS location in which a brand owner can, for example, advertise its goods or services when a consumer is near one of its stores.
As the basic nature of the trademark law is territorial the issues regarding the jurisdictions, use, obtaining the rights, commercial licensing rights and enforcing rights have came into light. These issues are really needed to be dealt and the proper legislation governing it is required to be framed.

Monopolising these selling points under trademark law often proves to be real change. The biggest issue for the confectionary manufacturers to overcome is to establish the ability of such colors or three-dimensional designs to function as trademarks in accordance with the Trademark laws; that is to be able to distinguish the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other

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