Personal Reflection Essay

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As I go through this assessment, it has shown about two way friendship. I am friendly person so I can make friend easily. The other thing that I notice in this assessment is how better I become friends with most of the people. Friendships with people that I have known for a long time can have a big impact on my life. I always say sorry when I do something wrong and I tend to forgive my friends when he or she does something wrong to me. I have good friend most of the time but I also have bad friend as well. The good friends help me, support and accept me so that is great thing I had been receiving from them. I have great social support with my uncle. He has given me more help than I thought of. He has been helping me since I came to Canada …show more content…

Journal Entry 4 As I go through this assessments, I have been in average that means I am in between low and high esteem. I think I might be in “Explanatory style” because mostly I think positive because it embraces such as in love, acceptance and forgiveness. This is important to health because this improve on how I responses under different situation and it improve immunity as well as other process. “People with a pessimistic explanatory style interpret events negatively, and people with an optimistic explanatory style interpret events in the positive light that “every cloud has silver lining” (Hoeger, Turner, Hafen, 2007 p.88). I am a religious person. I believe in god no matter what other believes on. I have good relationship with God from my own religion. I believe on treating each other equally, respect, dignity and much more positive things that we do from ourselves to others. I believe that each of us should treat equally because we are “Humans” and that’s our own responsibility to do. I also think that those people with disability are not treated equally so we must need to do that in order to make our community