Explanatory Synthesis

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Explanatory Synthesis
According to Yehuda Berg “Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” (BrainyQuote)
Individuals use words to express how they feel and to share their opinion. An individual can either make words or break them. Words, whether spoken or written have tremendous power. When words interact with respect, kindness, and inspiration, it spreads confidence and love. Even when an individual speaks and is not willingly heard often, that individual words are still there and it …show more content…

In “Shut up and Play Nice: How The Western World is limiting Free Speech,” comedian Guy Earle was charged with violating the human rights of a lesbian couple after he got into a trash talking session with a group of women during an open mike night at a nightclub. Lorna Pardy said she suffered post-traumatic stress because of Earle’s profane language and derogatory terms for lesbians. (Turley 162) When an individual has a different view and opinion on what they see or hear and express their opinion freely it could hurt people’s feelings. Some individuals take their opinion too far and use their free speech too freely sometimes. In this case the words had said was how he felt and that was his opinion. The comedian might did not think his words were hurtful because that was his opinion. Other individuals might would have or might would have not agreed with what the comedian was saying. In then end the comedian was expressing how he felt about the couple …show more content…

Some individuals have to become adapted to new things and the way society has changed. In “Will Text-Messaging Destroy The English Language” Dallas Spires said that texting is a new code used to communicate ideas in English accurately and with ease and efficiency through a specific medium and for an almost exclusive audience. The level to which this code is used seems to depend on the age of the user. Teens seem to be the most proficient at texting, while users in their 20’s and 30’s seem to use it less and less. While I agree that traditional forms of written and spoken English need to be preserved, I also believe that we all need to understand what is appropriate in different situations. (Spires 126) Texting and the way people text is starting to become something new. It is becoming new to a lot of older people. A lot of older people would say that text-messaging is destroying grammar but the way people text is just another new way grammar is being used. Some individuals are used to sticking to one thing and do not know how to change with time but you have to change with time and society in order to keep up with what is going on. Different types of grammar should be used in different times because all English does not fit in the same situation. The more codes and unique texting that is being used will create more