Exploratory Essay

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As you well know by this point, the internet is an extremely valuable tool in the business world. It gives you a huge consumer base. It allows niche products to find users and customers they wouldn't find otherwise. Plus it almost always results in a boost in sales. A boost in sales means a boost in revenue, and hopefully profit as well.

Let's answer a few questions about it.

First: "Our company is small, and we can't sell our service online, so why do we need a website?"

This is a quite common question for a lot of people in small start-ups, service oriented companies, and companies that sell very specific or tailored items to their communities (think of barber shops or hair salons). The answer remains the same though, yes you need a website. The mentality above is quickly becoming outdated and unimportant. Most products can be sold online; in fact, you can buy almost anything online. Toys, computers, wives, whatever it is, you can find it on the internet.

Second: "What will a website do for me in the long run?" …show more content…

It can be the factor that saves your business. Most start-ups will fail in the first 6 months. Keeping an active online presence, and keeping in touch with that consumer base will be a huge factor in keeping your business growing. Which is another added benefit. The internet offers a chance for a single person making a product in their garage to expand into a full blown corporation. No matter how small you start, the internet can afford you the opportunity to grow larger than if you never used

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