Extra Credit Essay

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Extra Credit Health, Health Care, and Disability Health Program This Health program is to help myself be healthy and to take care of my body. The reason why this health program is for myself is because I’m not a healthy person. I eat a lot of junk food and I stay away from healthy food. I eat a lot of bread, I don’t go to the gym and work out, and most importantly I don’t get enough sleep at night. I’m always tired when I wake up and I sleep during the day and this just affects my whole day and with the lack of sleep I barely have enough time to study and do homework for my classes. Adults my age are suppose to sleep for eight to twelve hours. This amount of sleep helps prevent your body from diseases and people will be more active during the …show more content…

The first phrase is “Just relax Brandon” I say this to myself just to calm myself down when I get aggravated or annoyed by what someone did or said to me. This helps me to get a cool head and just ignore that person or situation. Another phrase is “If it is easy your doing something wrong and if it is hard your doing something right”. I usually say this phrase when I’m at work or I’m studying for class. This phrase means if something seems easy and your doing the job fast that means your doing something wrong. If something seems hard and it does not seem like your doing the job correctly, that means your doing the job the way you are suppose to be doing it. People have to take the time and do the job the hard way and not take the easy way out to finish a job early. Another phrase is “Nothing in life is easy, everything is complicated” this quote helps prepare me for life saying nothing you do will be easy, everything has to be complicated because that is the only way people will learn. The last, phrase I use is “Work hard and Dream Big” this quote means when you work hard you can dream big and probably achieve your dreams or goals. For example, if I work hard in school I will be able to find a job that will support my family. Therefore, when I work hard I will be rewarded with my dreams and goals in