Extroverted Athletes Performance Evaluation Essay

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The first results were tested between extroverted, introverted and Ambivert athletes. Consistently extroverted athletes scored the highest on the motivation scale through all scales although extroverted and ambivert athletes were tied in the IM-Ac scale. Through all the scales introverted athletes scored the lowest on the motivation score with the average being around 4 out 7. Ambivert athletes were usually right in the middle except for when they tide with extroverts on the IM-Ac scale. The next measurement was the difference between quality intrinsic and quantity for all intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for extroverted and introverted athletes. Introverted athletes scored the lowest all around for quantity and quality with extroversion …show more content…

In general they found that stable extroverts seemed to demonstrate higher levels of motivation in quantity and quality then introverted athletes with neurotic introverted athletes showing high levels of motivation but low levels of satisfactory. The satisfactory of non-neurotic athletes really depends on why each individual wants to get better at their performance. The authors discussed that the reasons are that extroverted athletes seek attention and want to thrive in social settings, which includes great performance on the field or court that is how extroverts are satisfied. Introverted athletes seem to be more focus on the introspective side as expected. Neurotic athletes both introverts and extroverts set incredibly high expectations for them selves which usually sets them up for failure. This intern makes them feel less confident and not happy. Overall I feel that this research can better understand where our motivation comes from and how we can get the best in all of us far beyond athletics. As an athlete I find this article somewhat relatable and helpful. This article would be most beneficial for athletic trainers and coaches who want to better understand how their athletes think. Overall I found the article to be very useful and informative however I would like to see this research expanded into every day life