
F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Fault In Our Stars

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The story of the book is about a girl named Hazel who has cancer. Her mother convince her to join a support group where she meets a guy named Augustus Waters. Hazel carried with her an oxygen tank to help her breath better. When she saw Augustus she thought that he was very handsome and there was nothing wrong with him. What Hazel did not know is that Augustus had cancer in his leg before. After the first session of the support group Hazel and Augustus because really good friends. They had many things in common but one of the most important things they both share was a book called An Imperial Affliction. They both loved that book so much and one of Hazel's dream was to meet the author of the book. Hazel tried everything to not fall in love …show more content…

Augustus took Hazel and her mom to Amsterdam where this famous author lived. All of them were very excited to meet the author but Hazel was the most excited to see him. Once they arrived in Amsterdam and met the author both of them were very disappointed to see that the author was not like they had imagined. He was an alcoholic and very mean person. The author was very mean to Hazel and Augustus. Hazel was very disappointed and wanted to go back home. Augustus did not want Hazel to feel bad about the things that had happened with the author so he decided to take her places so she could enjoy the trip. By this point both, Augustus and Hazel were falling in love. The kissed during their visit to the Ann Frank house. Hazel realizes that she loves Augustus despite her pending death. Before they go home, Augustus tells the bad news to Hazel about him being sick again. The cancer is terminal, and he does not have much time. This situation was very overwhelming for both of them. After Augustus died, Hazel received a letter that Augustus wrote for her, and that is the only thing she has from him besides all the great moments and memories they spend

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