FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Paper

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After searching through the websites provided I decided that for this assignment I am going to use the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting website. The FBI Uniform Crime Reporting website provides a lot of information and insight on many different topics. The purpose stated on the homepage of this site is it can be used as a “starting place for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation” (Uniform Crime Reporting). This website gives a lot of statistics on a wide variety of topics. Topics included in the website are; crime in the United States, law enforcement officers killed and assaulted, hate crimes, cargo theft, and human trafficking. …show more content…

We hear stories everyday about an office being killed in the line of duty. Sometimes it is an accident and sometimes it is intentional. To conduct my research I will be using data table number two from the officers feloniously killed page of the FBI: UCR website. I will also be using the year 2016 since it contains the most recent data. According to the data table, 2016 is the second highest number of victim officers between 2007 and 2016. 2016 trails 2011 by only six officers. In the dividing sections of the United States of northeast, midwest, south, and west. The south leads with the most number of officers killed at thirty. Only two of seventeen states in the south make up half of the thirty officers killed. Those states are Texas leading at eight officers killed in 2016 and Georgia at seven. The next state would be Louisiana at four officers killed while most other states are only between zero to two officers killed in 2016 (Uniform Crime Reporting). My results were not what I expected at all. I figured that the states with the biggest cities would have the most officers killed feloniously such as California, New York, or Illinois. I feel that the results that I did discover can show a lot and lead to many more questions such as, why are the numbers of officers killed feloniously highest in Texas and …show more content…

Racial profiling is defined as “the use of race alone as the criterion for deciding whether to stop and detain someone on suspicion of their having committed a crime” (Andersen, Taylor 164). I think this could be one reason for officers being killed. Some officers really do racially profile people and it is simply not right. However, not all officers do this. Many people take it as all police officers racially profile and this is a issue which I believe leads to some cops being killed. This leads me to my next topic of the labeling theory which is a part of the symbolic interaction theory. Labeling theory “interprets the responses of others as the most significant factor in understanding how deviant behavior is both created and sustained (Becker 1963)” (Andersen, Taylor 154). I feel that this can tie in with racial profiling because labeling theory can be used against many people. Police can use the labeling theory to target people which would be considered racial profiling. It is almost how some people think that all muslims are terrorist which is simply not true and that is the same for police officers and those being