FEMA Case Study Essay

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Need an introductory sentence to capture the reader: Maybe about the importance of community capacity to make complex decisions during difficult times of managing an emergency in a community. The purpose of this case study is to examine the perception of college campus emergency management officials and administrators regarding community capacity building on their campus communities. Need a sentence to discuss why college campuses are an important community to explore: Maybe discuss statistics about how many “emergencies” occur in this community or an example of a recent emergency situation on a campus. Community capacity building is a key component of the 2016 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) FEMA Next Generation Core Competency of sociocultural literacy which reorganizes that sociocultural factors impact in an emergency situation (people will respond differently to situations based on their environment). How is FEMA related to college campuses? Do they respond to emergencies on college campuses? Do they provide a “gold standard” protocol for how to respond to an emergency in a …show more content…

The purpose of this data collection was to gain the perceptions of college emergency managers and administrators as to what social resources they perceive to be available to them within their own local communities and university system to respond to emergencies and disasters.
The consensus survey was chosen because surveys are useful in studying large populations of respondents such as that of the NTTX exercise participants (Maxfield & Babbie, 2011). Fliers (Appendix 3) were equally disseminated by exercise coordinators to all 417 participants. The coordinators also made verbal announcements at the general sessions, asking all participants to partake in this post-exercise