What Are The Issues That Affect Online Shopping

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This chapter consists of a review of literature related with factors affecting customers’ adoption of online shopping like perceived ease of use, trust, risks and perceived usefulness. It then reviews the current issues in online shopping and other issues in respect to online shopping.

Many studies have mentioned that there is a lot of online window shopping but the number of internet users who turn into buyer is very low. This might be because of various reasons that arise during online shopping. For the online shopping to take place, the customer must connect to the internet and go on the website of the store from where he/she wants to purchase the product. The customer can browse through the online catalogue provided on the site. The latter will then add the products of his/her choice to the online shopping cart. To continue with the purchase process, the customer will have to login or create an account by providing a username and password. The customer will then have to enter his/her personal details like name, shipping address and phone number. After this step, the shopper will choose the mean of payment which he/she prefers and will then confirm the order. Nowadays, the online store provides with its app which you can download thus not requiring you to enter your details each and every time you access it.

Mauritius too is now developing to try to match the standards of those developed countries. Progress