Three Dimensions Of Paternalistic Leadership

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Group Factors
Paternalistic Leadership
Paternalistic leadership is a fatherlike leadership style which consists of 3 dimensions which are following (Otken et al., 2012).
1. Authoritarian means leader who have absolute control over followers.
2. Benevolent means leader’s behavior that concern for subordinates’ personal or familial well-being.
3. Moral refers to behavior that demonstrates personal virtues ,self-discipline, and unselfishness of leaders
Laissez-faire Leadership
Laissez-faire leadership refers to leader who surrenders responsibilities and avoids making decisions and hands-off of the tasks, meaning follower has freedom of decision making (Neha et al., 2015)
Transactional and Transformational Leadership
Transactional Leadership …show more content…

Dimensions of Organizational Structure
There are a number of dimensions or attributes that should be considered which are following
1. Centralization refers to that decision making and authority is held by top managers.
2. Decentralized means that top managers delegated the authority and decision making to middle- and lower-level managers.
3. Specialization means tasks and activities are divided and workers have authority to control over tasks.
4. Formalization is defined as the extent to which rules, procedures, instructions, and communications are written (Daughtery et al., 2011).
Mechanistic Structure and Organic Structure
Mechanistic Structure is closely similar to centralization and bureaucratic structure (Brown.,2014) which based on a formal, centralized network.
The mechanistic structure is best suited for companies that operate in a stable and certain environment such as healthcare and government organization. While, organic Structure is suite for organization with rapidly changing environment (Brown., 2014). Figure 5 Characteristics of Organic and Mechanistic …show more content…

Organic structure has broader span of control, meaning that authority to control tasks is delegated and all employees work on a knowledge based. This can lead organization to high level of employee’s engagement and organization ability in handling changes. Moreover, with organic structure, organization has lower employee turnover rate than mechanistic structure.
Our MBA class should adopt organic structure for the upcoming freshmen seminar because organic structure allow student to work on knowledge and value based, also students have a chance to come up with innovative idea. All students will share the authority and responsibility and it can lead to high level of engagement. Moreover, if there are immediate changes such as schedule, hotel problems and duration of seminar, we will be able to adapt our plan promptly and smoothly since organic structure allows free flow of information.
Organization must choose a structure that is suite for organizational needs. Effective organization structure should allow the company to adapt to uncertainties and changes in the environments. However, there is no best structure for every organization; it should depend on many factors such as size, industry of organization and human