
Fahrenheit 451 Comparison Essay

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The story Fahrenheit 451 has a very thrilling theme and storyline that was used in the book written by Ray Bradbury and is reiterated in the movie directed by Ramin Bahrani. Despite the same storyline in each work, there are many differences to contrast. In this futuristic world in which the story takes place, firemen create fires instead of putting them out. Society is convinced that books are bad because they can be contradictory and are removed to make society happier as a whole. The community in this story spends the majority of their life being controlled by the mass amounts of technology; and they don't even see a problem with it. Would you want your life to be controlled by technology? One theme in Fahrenheit 451 is knowledge …show more content…

One of the first instances being when Midred almost overdosed on sleeping pills. It seems that she will die, but medics use a pump on her stomach to switch all of her blood on site with advanced technology. “‘As I said, you take out the old and put in the new and you’re O.K.’” When Montag asked if his wife would be ok, this is the response he received (Bradbury 6). In addition to the modern setting of this story, in the movie there are massive digital TV-related systems on the side of buildings that people can watch from anywhere (Fahrenheit 451). Lastly, there are small radio devices in the book called Seashells. They go in your ear and are used to receive persistent broadcasts of information. Mildred mainly uses these. “And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talk coming in, coming in on the shore of her unsleeping mind.” Montag talked about the Seashells after finding his wife lying on the floor (Bradbury 5). Alongside this story, Montag has many moments of inner conflicts about his beliefs. This invokes depersonalization in his character and the world he lives

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