Faith And Science Working Together Research Paper

912 Words4 Pages

Hannah Kulbacki
Mr. Corso
Opinion Essay
18 December, 2017
Religion and Science
The idea of faith and science working together has been both rejected and supported by scientists over the years. While some agree that faith and science go together very well because of a greater intelligibility, others feel that they should never be put together for the reason of atheist or christian debates. The debate about faith and science working together is interesting. I believe that they can work together nicely, but many scientists have different points of views on the topic.
Stephen Hawking, who was a well known scientist and atheist, had many questions about the universe. “What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?” (Stephen Hawking) While this question may seem like Hawking could have been contemplating that Religion was perhaps something to be used with science, he was actually speaking of the String Theory. Many scientists feel that there is no reason to add religion into scientific research, while others feel that it would enhance discoveries to a newer, greater level. Timothy Massaro, a writer for Core Christianity, writes that in nature the marks of a designer are seen. There are many signs of God’s handiwork, and for the world to exist at all, life oriented features had to of existed. He uses a quote from Gerald Schroeder to explain his thoughts: “Any beneficial mutations that might have accumulated …show more content…

I agree with the religion and science being put together to create a greater intelligibility and more optimistic viewpoint on discoveries and experiments. The fact that they are both different is what makes them compatible with each other. They both offer great ideas, and with the two working together, more ideas could be created, and science would be enhanced to a larger