The fall of the Roman Republic was because of The Civil War and Julius Caesar between 49 to 45 BC. Julius Caesar was born on 12 July, 100 BC and died on 15 March 44 BC, a renowned military general, historian, politician and historical scholar who conquered Rome and helped initiate the end of the Roman Republic when he declared himself the dictator of the empire through the Roman Civil war which he started (Bobertz, 2022).
The Rubicon river was a division between Rome from its northern provinces, so crossing it would have been viewed as a direct invasion. In 49 BC Caesar crossed it and it was seen as a direct invasion which sparked the confrontation between him and the Romans since he wanted the glory of the Roman empire and its consulship. The nature of the constitution did not allow anyone to have both but since he aimed at being the dictator he was able to march into Rome, take the senate by surprise and he was declared an enemy of the state leading to the civil wars which
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This was normally given to generals, magistrate when the republic felt threatened by outside nations and cities which gave a single person great power to be able to eliminate a threat of which after they were supposed to return the power back to the Senate and the Roman people. Caesar was given this power many times which he declined, but noteworthy is the year 48 BC when this power was given to him for an indefinite time as Dictator Perpetuo. It was unsettling to all government factions and the people since they lacked the power anymore and such power could lead to wrong choices by someone and in this case Julius Caesar (Bobertz, 2022). He was victorious in the many wars that he led as a dictator and general , which helped him gain prominence and tactic in taking over a republic under his