Family And Substance Abuse Essay

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Adolescent substance abuse is a growing problem. Substance abuse does not only effect the abuser themselves but also has an impact on the abuser’s family. Through research, it is found that adolescents with support from either one parent, both parents, or entire families, have a better chance of recovering and finding treatment. With out the support of family, an adolescent recovering from substance abuse can be more difficult or even worse, impossible. Being a parent of a child with a substance dependency it is hard to try to adapt and deal with the problem. Family life is dramatically effected when a family member abuses a substance. A study done by the Department of Child Studies and Social Work at Mount Royal University by Peter W. Choate …show more content…

How families associate and the role that each member plays is transformed. To truly get a grasp of how families are effected by a family members’ addiction to substances, it is best to look at the addiction from the family perspective. Personal stories that explain the experience a family goes through when dealing with substance abuse within the family are best to help get an understanding of the family functionality that is disrupted. Seven areas of family functioning that are impacted are: rituals, routines, finances, communications, conflict, and social …show more content…

There is a decrease and/or violence in communication with family and peers involved in their life before the addiction disappear. Trying to cope with the reality of the chaos that is brought on by the substance abuser is difficult. Family connections grow weaker and negatively effect relationships. Seeking help is also a challenging theme. Parents of substance abusive children that attend counseling often feel frustrated and discouraged due to the barrier created by the law of confidentiality. The impact on the siblings of the substance abuser is grand. The sibling(s) often feel neglected and left to go through life alone. In some cases, siblings tend to leave their family and search for a type of family connection elsewhere and focus all their attention towards something that they are doing. (Choate, P. W. (2015). Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction: The Experience of Parents. Behavioral Sciences, 5(4),