
Family Guy And Spongebob Comparison

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Animated cartoons that many people throughout the world spend their days watching as a form of entertainment. Many people find these shows enjoyable for the type of humor that is involved in the shows and the overall presentation of the show itself. Each show presents a different set of characters and a different plot point so it would be safe to assume that each show should be different from the other. Shows like “Family Guy” and “Spongebob” would seem to be completely different based on the intended target audience and the overall presentation of the shows themselves. However, both shows follow a much similar pattern. Seth MacFarlane's "Family Guy" and Stephen Hillenburg's "Spongebob" are similar in presenting underlying adult humor, expressing …show more content…

It often takes a second viewing of the dialogue to get an actual understanding of what is being said between characters. In “Family Guy” and “Spongebob,” both use a play on words to help insert a joke that only a few would understand. “Family Guy” has a short scene where Lois called Quagmire over to help tear up her carpet. Quagmire then says, “I gotta confess, when you called me, I misunderstood what you were asking for. That’s why I rushed over, but it’s fine. Whatever. I’m happy to help.” The joke that was made here was that Quagmire believed that Lois wanted something else other than just helping tear her carpet up. Also, “Spongebob” contains a scene in which Spongebob …show more content…

The crazy and absurd storylines that each show presents is something that has kept the longevity of each show going for over 20 years. It makes the viewer want to come back for more because they can not wait to see what the characters do next. For example, “Family Guy” has an episode where Peter gets addicted to Red Bull to the point that he gives up the drink for a kerosene-based one that ultimately resulted in kidney failure. The episode was pushed to the point in which Brain attempted to donate both of his kidneys to save Peter. This episode shows how off-the-wall the plots of the episodes can

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