Family Play Model Paper

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Family Play Program Model
One evidence-based, play therapy program for families is called Theraplay, which is a form of play therapy which aims to help caregivers to form healthy attachments with their children. The main goal of Theraplay is to impact the four identified qualities of strong parent-child relationships, which are structure, engagement, nurture, and challenge (TTI, 2013). Theraplay is both a manualized model of therapy and has a clinic for families near Chicago, Il. Many families who use the services of The Theraplay Institute (TTI), have a child with a history of abuse, neglect, trauma, disability, problematic internalizing or externalizing behaviors, or attachment disorder due to frequent changes in living situations or adoption. This intervention can be used for families with infants to younger teens. It is important that children have secure attachments with their caregivers, as many children without a secure attachment experience various difficulties, including trouble forming trusting relationships, increased risk for depression and anxiety, difficulty balancing autonomy and independence, poor coping skills, and low self-esteem (Green, Myrick, & …show more content…

The materials and activities used are meant to help families work together as a team. For example, one activity, which is meant to promote feelings of nurturing between the caregiver and the child, is called the Donut Challenge. In this activity, the caregiver and the child sit cross-legged with both of their knees touching, while the caregiver holds the donut on their index finger. Next, the therapist tells the child to take a medium, small, or tiny bite. The goal is for the child to get as many bites as possible without touching the donut or making it